Computer Graphics - LUGG

Computer Science | Faculty of Engineering, LTH

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Computer Graphics

In the computer graphics group, we are doing research on and developing new algorithms for the creation of images from three-dimensional scene descriptions. We are interested in most aspects of graphics, including real-time rendering, ray/path tracing, global illumination, many-core rendering, and graphics hardware.


Tomas Akenine-Möller, on leave at Nvidia
Michael Doggett
Gustaf Waldemarson (Industrial PhD with ARM)
Rikard Olajos
Arseni Ivanov
Carl Johan Gribel, at Malmö Högskola

Calle Lejdfors, PhD, at Tencent.
Jon Hasselgren, PhD, at Nvidia. 
Jacob Munkberg, PhD, at Nvidia.
Petrik Clarberg, PhD, at Nvidia.
Jim Rasmusson, Lic, at Sony.
Björn Johnsson, PhD, at Autodesk
Magnus Andersson, PhD, at Nvidia
Rasmus Barringer, PhD, at Nvidia
Per Ganestam, PhD, at Squarepoint Capital, London
Pierre Moreau, PhD, at Nvidia